Thank you for your interest in the work and mission of the Massachusetts Commission on Grandparents Raising Grandchildren

To make a donation:
Please send a check to:
The Commission on Grandparents Raising Grandchildren
Attention Colleen Pritoni
1 Ashburton Place 3rd Floor
Boston, Ma. 02108

The GP Commission is proud to support the over 35,000 grand-families in Massachusetts, and specifically, the 11,000 grandparents and kinship caregivers raising children without biological parents present.

The work of the GP Commission continues to expand and now includes activities such as virtual workshops, grand-family scholarships to museums and other venues, an annual conference, amongst many other supports and resources.

If you would like to contribute to the continuation of this great work, please consider making a donation to the Massachusetts Commission on Grandparents Raising Grandchildren.

To make a donation:
Please send a check to: 
The Commission on Grandparents Raising Grandchildren
Attention Colleen Pritoni
1 Ashburton Place 3rd Floor
Boston, Ma. 02108

Or click on the "Donate" button below to enter your contribution through a secure PayPal form.